Friday 20 July 2012

Ramadan, Day 1, Suhur!

Ramadan Kareem to all my muslim brothers and sisters around the world! If you're checking in, you too are probably starting this blessed month, and are wondering how SCD can work on this diet. So let's see if we can help each other and learn so that we can further our journey together!

Without further a do, let's ask that Allah help guide us in this blessed month, and accept our prayers and our fast... oh, and help us stick to the SCD and get us slimmer before Eid rolls around! :D

Anyways, so me and my wife are trying to stick to this, so in order to not get heat for being on the diet from our family, we decided to modify it a bit in order to do what we need to do, and to appease the family when it comes to food (since there is no joke when it comes to food in this family). As much as I know, the least number of days to be on the diet is 5, and the most is 9, so instead of cheating every 6th day, we will cheat every 5th day, just for this month. Then we will go back to normal after the month is done. Hopefully we can line up the last cheat day of the month with Eid so that we can celebrate with everyone else!

Now it's time for Suhur, so my scale says 233.6lbs one hour before Fajr, the day before was 233lbs in the morning (when I normally weigh myself). Hopefully i'll try to weigh myself before iftar every day in Ramadan to see how my progress is going. Now deciding what to eat!

So I prepare my typical 3 egg white + 1 whole egg omelet, with a dried pastrami known as bastarma that I prepare at my store (so I know theres no sugar in it), along side some traditional foul (fava beans made into a paste with tomatoes, onions, spices, and some tahini). Pretty SCD compliant if I do say so myself!

For those who are curious, this is what foul looks like:

Anyways, so I had a few spoons of that along with my pastrami/egg omelet (which I prepared using Macadamia nut oil), had about 2L of water, and my PAG supplements + multivitamin.

And just like that, my SCD in Ramadan has begun! Let's see how this goes... I was scrambling around for my iPhone to take pictures of the food but couldn't (it was 3AM and tired!!) so hopefully for iftar, I will have the iPhone so that I can picture the meal for all you curious.

See you around iftar!!

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