Monday 30 July 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 9, Suhur Day 10

Sorry again for the late post everyone, but my schedule is taking a beating these last couple of days!

Anywhos, it's cheat day! So you know what that means... MEASUREMENTS! Let's see what the tape measure had for me today:

Chest: 110.0cm (43.307 in) -3.5cm (-1.38 in)
Waist: 110.5cm (43.504 in) -5.0cm (-1.97 in)
Hips: 112.0cm (44.095 in) -3.0cm (-1.18 in)

Oh man! I'm very excited! The finishing touches to close up the week is the scale reading, which is as follows:

You read right, 224.6lbs, that's a 2.4lbs drop from the week before. Not a bad week! Total of 11.5cm (4.53 total inches) lost. I'm loving Ramadan! Now, onto the glutton!


No explanations today, just pictures, you'll get the idea quick...

Dates to break fast, the pitted/almond stuffed/honey coated ones were awesome!!

Sheppard's pie

Mac and Cheese

Corn Flake Breaded Chicken Strips.

Not pictured are Spaghetti (yes more pasta), a salad with cucumbers and ranch dressing, and the Sierra Mist that I had to wash it all down. Now for dessert...

Rocky Road Brownie (My Wife made this and it was awesome)

Strawberry cheesecake.

I told you it wasn't going to be pretty! Had like 4 pieces of the brownie and a slice of the cheesecake, washed it down with 4 glasses of milk. God how I missed it.


Didn't really wake up, around 2AM I had another slice of brownie, and some pomegranate greek yogurt. Had my PAG supplements and AGG supplement and some water, and off to bed I went.

Let's see what the damage is next day! :) 

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