Saturday 28 July 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 7, Suhur Day 8

I'm excited about today, I feel like it's going to be a good day! To confirm, I step on the scale...

That's right! 225.2lbs! Another loss of 1.6lbs and that's with Suhur this time! I'm starting to dig being in Ramadan more and more. Let's see what's on the menu for today!


I know you're probably thinking "two straight days of Cauliflower rice, you're probably sick of Cauliflower by now" If you think that, you'd probably be wrong. Today, Iftar took a page out of the Iron chef where the secret ingredient was Cauliflower!

For starters, a Cauliflower and ground beef tagine (canrabeet bel lahma el mafrooma). Just sautéed some ground beef and added tomato paste, and boiled the cauliflower separately with cumin. Add the two together and throw it in the oven, that would be the end result!

Next, our favourite Cauliflower rice. Except today we shook things up by mixing in garlic butter instead of regular butter, and believe me when I tell you it was amazing! Now put the two together, and the final product looks as such:

The Iftar of champions! Cauliflower tagine with Cauliflower rice! Gotta love innovation! Not pictured here also was some pan fried cauliflower cakes (just with some egg to hold it together and some maggie for seasoning), and a simple soup (just boiled some meat and added some salt and pepper). Overall, very satisfying meal! Of course, started it all off with water and my PAG supplement.


I decided not to sleep today and stay awake until Suhur then go to sleep. We decided to bring back an old favourite today for Suhur since it was so good last time we had it.

That's right people, veal liver!! (kibdah askandaraneya) This time, we didn't forget the cumin, and it made an amazing sauce! If I really wanted overkill I would have served this on the cauliflower rice, but decided to just have the meat. Drank 2 large cups of ice water before with my PAG supplement, my multivitamin, and 1 more cup of water.

I also tried something new thanks to some advice I got on the 4hourpeople forum from a fellow SCDer in Ramadan, suggesting to invest in some Casein protein. Basically what this protein does is that it slowly releases protein to your body throughout the day to prevent muscle degeneration. Also, keeps you feeling fuller longer when no meals are available (like in Ramadan!) So I shook me up a strawberry milkshake of this guy here, and it was so good going down! I wanted more, but I remember the guy at the store telling me "if you're not working out, this thing can add calories real quick, so watch out!" Washed another glass of water down, and that was that!

Hopefully this will translate better in terms of hunger the next day, we'll see what effect it has on the scale before cheat day!

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