Saturday 21 July 2012

Ramadan, Day 2, Continued...

Alright, so I finally got through the day (wasn't easy though, had a few "situations" where I thought I was going to pass out) Serves me right for relying on my snooze alarm to go back off!

So I step on the scale before iftar, and BOOM:

228.2lbs ... Here I am going "I lost only one pound when I didn't eat, and the other day when I had suhur I dropped five!!" Albeit not the best pool of data to work with, but hey, I have to be optimistic :D

Now, for iftar.

So what am I having today you ask? Decided to go a little crazy since we had no suhur! Made a BBQ of all our favourites: kofta (minced meat), chicken legs, and lamb chops! Served with a side salad, and a lentil soup (or ats begeba in Arabic for all you Egyptian SCD-ers out there). Had my PAG supplement after I broke my fast, and lots of water. Now i'm waiting patiently for suhur to come to see what damage has been done. 

Let's hope for the best, see you in a bit! :)


  1. Please give me the recipe for the kofta and chickens and lamp chops and the lentil soup ahhaha pls and thank you!!!

  2. Please give me the recipe for the kofta and chickens and lamp chops and the lentil soup ahhaha pls and thank you!!!
