Friday 20 July 2012

Why start a blog now?

Hey everyone!

I'm really new to this blogging world, so please bare with me if I don't know all the cruces and crevasses that accompany a veteraned blogger. Let me tell you a bit about my self before I go on about why I actually started this blog.

My name is Nader Tohamy, born in Montreal on a cold May 17 (it's Quebec, what do you expect?) and i'm currently living in the GTA. I graduated from McMaster University with a BA, with a double major in Economics and Marketing (not sure if i'm actually using it at this point). I help my family run a few businesses, so I keep busy! Married for 5 years to the love of my life, and have a 4 year old son (so far!) to date.

Now what really compelled me to start this blog is that about 5 weeks ago, I decided to alter my lifestyle in such a way that it would change my life for the better. I was sick and tired of being overweight, and tired all the time, so I decided to search for a diet to go on. Low and behold, I stumbled onto the slow carb-ing guru himself, Timothy Ferris' Blog, and started to read. By the end, I was sold that this might actually work! So like any pessimist or skeptic would do, I googled the diet and looked to see if the results were real. I ended up finding a forum of fellow "slow carbers" and they were all there sharing their experiences on the diet! So I thought to myself "maybe I should give this a try" and see where I go with this. Knowing me, it'd be 2 weeks and i'd be done with it.

I later mulled it over with my wife, and she thought it'd be a good idea to try it out too, so I guess it was good to have 2 people doing this diet, rather than just me on my own, to keep ourself accountable! Five weeks later, and I couldn't be happier with the results thus far! I started at around 253lbs, size 40 jeans and wearing close to XXL tops. Now, i'm at 233lbs, and I can fit into a size 36 jeans, and size L tops! Like I said, i'm now hooked.

We've encountered a few "hiccups" along the way in the form of family members who do not understand that its not okay to just have a slice of cake because "nothing will happen if you have just a little piece!" and a trip to Chicago; but overall we did pretty well to stick to the diet without going crazy outside of our cheat days. However I feel like we've done good to whether the storm... until now.

Enter the reasoning for the blog! Right now, we're starting the blessed month of Ramadan, and will have to fast from sunrise to sunset! No food, no water, nothing!! To the best of my efforts, i've searched and searched for anyone with any experiences in Ramadan and while continuing to slow carb to no avail. So I decided i'd document my progress over the month of Ramadan, share meals and techniques, and see if anything happens. I'm sure my family won't be too thrilled knowing me and my wife will be on the SCD since Ramadan is generally centralized around food and breaking your fast. So we'll see how we can stick to SCD while having all the obstacles one would encounter in this blessed month.

So without further a do, let's get this blog started! Hopefully even after Ramadan, i'll keep up with the blog and track my progress in my Slow Carb Journey, because for sure i'm addicted to the results, and won't stop until I reach my goal: get to 185!! 

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