Sunday 22 July 2012

Ramadan, Day 3, Suhur!

So it's 3:30 AM and I need to drag myself out of bed. This time my alarm finally went off as planned, and the trek from the bed to the kitchen has begun.

I finally make it down stairs, didn't even bother to weigh myself since I told myself that maybe I should just weigh myself before iftar so it'd be like weighing myself in the morning (have the day/night switched around). That also might help determine how to go about the cheat day (which is coming up tomorrow, YAY!).

So instead of waking up Monday morning for Suhur and cheating, and then going about the day and cheating for iftar, i'd have my SCD meal tomorrow morning for Suhur, and then cheat for iftar... ALL the way to dawn!

Anyways, back to the issue at hand... food!

So... remember that delicious kofta I had for iftar the day before? Well, I still had some leftover mince, so I fried that up with my 3 eggwhites + 1 egg scramble. Before I indulged, I must have drank like 2 huge cups of water along with my PAG supplement and my multivitamin. Then after I finished I drank 3 more huge cups of water (this bit of info was after reading this link here regarding Ramadan and diet. Pretty good read!).

We'll see how I fair today now that I actually had my Suhur! After Fajr, I went straight to sleep! Obviously got up every subsequent hour due to the huge amount of water I drank. But we'll see how it goes!

See you all for iftar!! :)

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