Tuesday 24 July 2012

Ramadan Day 3 Iftar, Day 4 Suhur

As promised, it's measurement time! So last week before cheat day, my measurements were the following:

Chest: 113.5 cm (44.685 inches) 
Waist: 115.5 cm (45.472 inches)
Hips: 115 cm (45.276 inches)

Today before cheat, here's what the measurements were:

Chest: 113 cm (44.488 inches) -0.5cm (-0.016 inches)
Waist: 112 cm (44.095 inches) -3.5cm (-1.378 inches)
Hips: 112.5 cm (44.291 inches) -2.5cm (-0.978 inches)

The scale last week was at 233lbs, today the magic number is:


Woo!! So that means this week I lost a total of 5lbs and a total of 6.5cm (2.56 inches)!! Not bad progress for Ramadan and only 5 days of SCD. Let's see how my progress goes after only 5 days on SCD on the eve of the next cheat. So I guess DCCC is good for me after all! :)

For all you fellow slow carbers, you can stop here, or if you like, can continue to witness the glutton of yester-cheat :)


I don't think everything I had is pictured here, but i'll give it my best shot to explain... I started off with some grapefruit juice and a mejdool date to break my fast, then after prayers, the gluttonfest began! In the red dotted pan is Saneyet Batates (potato tray) with chicken legs, potatoes, and yummy sauce. To the left, we have some Goulash (phyllo sheets with butter and ground beef), Molokhia (Egyptian Green Soup), and not pictured is my favourite Roz Mo-Amar (Rice Tagine cooked with milk and soup and butter, rather than water). Overall, I was in heaven! As you can see, Egyptian food is the reason i'm on the SCD now :D

After resting a bit, it was desert time. So I had a couple classics to choose from:

This is Konafah, which is basically shredded dough fried in butter, layered with nuts and more sugar, and topped with a simple syrup. A must have during Ramadan. I indulged in a healthy slice.

Also, couldn't resist these. Some nice cinnamon sticky buns! Topped with caramel and pecans. Although I didn't really indulge here, I had a few bites to help cool my curiosity :) And that was it for now! Didn't want to go too crazy.


Just wanted to let you all know I actually got up early this time, I set my phone and my alarm clock to both go off at different times and they both did! Plus I do have some inspiration since it's the second half of my cheat, but again... didn't go too wild.

Just some good old fashioned watermelon, and some cream cheese. Very satisfying, not too crazy, and my supplements and water before bed. Not a bad day if I do say so myself!

We'll see what the damage is come iftar time in Day 4, but until then, i'm feeling pretty good as of now :)

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