Tuesday 31 July 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 10, Suhur Day 11

Welcome back y'all to a new week of SCD in Ramadan. I'm sure you're wondering how I did after all the glutton from yestercheat, so let's take a look at the scale!

Yep, it's right there... 226.0lbs, that means there was only a gain of 1.4lbs!! A much smaller gain than the previous cheat day, and I feel like I ate a lot more stuff this time around. I'm starting to fall in love with this diet on Ramadan. Progress is still nice and slow, but the important thing is that there is progress; all without exercise mind you!


Creativity was in the air today, so I decided to take a full whiff of that stuff and implement it to Iftar. I was craving a cheeseburger in the worst way, so I decided to get creative!

Seeing as to how beef is already allowed, and I found an SCD compliant "cheese", all I needed now was the bun. As I entered highland farms and walked through the produce, I quickly realized Portobello mushrooms are my best bet to make a bun.

Here's the end result:

Not perfect by any means, but pretty damn good! Topped it with mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, and red onions. The overall product felt really meaty, since the mushrooms themselves are meaty. Although it was pretty good going down! Also on the menu today...

Oven roasted chicken! Had my self a leg and some of the yummy mushrooms on the side. Not pictured also is the side salad we had, and copious amounts of water + my PAG supplement.


Kind of a disaster today, was trying to be creative again, but this time I set my creativity on fire in the oven, and on top of that I knocked over a huge bottle of hot sauce, which made a nasty mess. By the time me and my wife cleaned it all up, there was 10 mins left before Suhur was over!

I just made my Casein shake and had about 4 cups of water, my AGG supplement, and off to bed I went.

Hopefully i'll get another crack of nailing what I wanted to do in the first place! I'll keep it a secret for now so that when I try it next time and am successful, it'll be all good! 

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