Monday 13 August 2012

CHEAT DAY #2 Ramadan, Iftar Day 24, Suhur Day 25

Alright let's get this show on the road! Without any more delay... the scale:

As you can see, a 2.2lb gain from the previous day (which isn't all that bad considering everything that was consumed). The reading today is 222.8lbs.

Onto more "glutton" lol :)


Broke my fast with some high end Ajwa dates:

Don't know what all the rage is about, they were average at best. I prefer my Mejdol or fresh dates :)

Had some of the breast and a whole leg of this bad boy, today we kept it a little traditional.

This would be besella or a pea/carrot stew served on Egyptian rice. It's made using the soup from the chicken, and it was really delicious!

Had a side salad here, with everything you see in the pic, and again dressed with lemon and oil. Pretty healthy so far!

Had a fruit salad shortly after; strawberries, cherries, watermelon, cantaloupe, kiwi, mangos, and pineapple all made up the components of this salad. If you flip back to yesterday I had some of the chocolate chip cookies from yesterday and a yogurt.

Broke my fast with my PAG supplement and some grapefruit juice.


My wife's triple chocolate caramel brownie a la mode with ice cream, caramel, and walnuts! After I finished this guy off I had more watermelon and some cheese, grapefruit juice, a couple of yogurts, and my PAG supplement. Before bed I took my AGG supplement.

And that's all she wrote! We'll see how much damage I put on the scale tomorrow, and get ready to burn it all off! :)

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