Wednesday 22 August 2012

Ramadan Update

Hey Everyone!! I hope you missed me because i've missed blogging here!

Eid Saeid to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters and I hope you got to eat lots of wonderful food! I sure did!!

Let's see what the scale said right before I cheated lasted day of Ramadan:

What a good way to end off Ramadan with a 3.4lb drop, so I guess just the protein shake at night was the key to getting me into the teens finally!! I couldn't resist not cheating the day of, so instead of my SCD meal (especially since they screwed up my salad by adding salad dressing to it!) I thought what the heck, 3.5 days of cheating instead of just the 3! Since I was unprepared, I didn't get a chance to measure, so i'll do that before the next cheat day! As you can see, the scale reads 219.0lbs!

Let's try to summarize the progress in Ramadan (especially since last week I changed the tape measure, but let's do it anyways!)

Before Ramadan:
Weight: 233lbs
Chest: 113.5cm (44.685 in)
Waist: 115.5cm (45.472 in)
Hips: 115.0cm (45.276 in)

After Ramadan
Weight: 219lbs (-14.0lbs)
Chest: 113.5cm "unchaged"
Waist: 108.0cm (-7.5cm)
Hips: 113.5cm (1.5cm)

As you can see, i'd say that Ramadan on SCD was pretty successful on my part. I dropped 14lbs in that time, and lost at least 9.0cm (3.54 in) total. I changed my tape measure to a more accurate one at the end, so i'm giving the measurements a lower weight in comparison, and will use the more recent measurements as the base for my future measurements.

Pretty good though, don't you think?

Today i'm back on SCD after 3.5 days, and here's what the scale read this morning:

That's a gain of 4.0lbs for the 3.5 cheat days I took. Not so bad! Pretty much in line with Ramadan (and before) when i'd take 1-2 cheat days. Although because I want to fix my schedule and get back my off day on a Saturday I might go the full 9 days, although if I don't I will post the results then!

Thank you all for giving me your time throughout Ramadan, and hopefully continue to follow my future updates, as I will continue to post weekly updates on my slow carb journey!


  1. Wow awesome!! 14 lbs lost during Ramadan! Way to go on your progress and sticking to it and STILL enjoying Ramadan. YAY! How did your wife do? Keep it up! I'd love to see you hit the 190s soon! YAY!

  2. She did well too! She lost about 8lbs during Ramadan and even though she's not tracking her inches, clothes are fitting better.

  3. Salam Aleykum ya Nader, I have just found your blog today and I want to encourage you to keep writing, partly for my selfish reasons of seeing SCD Egyptian Food. My husband and I are on our 3rd day, admittedly I have a lot more work to do than him but he's a great supporter. I didn't know about the SCD before Ramadan, but my husband and I looked at each other this year and said "we are NOT going to stuff our faces like every other year" so we really kept control and both lost during Ramadan (although not as much as you MSA). Anyways brother, keep it up! :)

  4. Hey Nadine! Thanks for the support! I am encouraged to keep posting my progress, since I think that at least the online community is keeping me accountable, and is helping me adhere to this diet better. If I didn't join forums like 4hourpeople or make my own blog, I probably wouldn't have been motivated enough to do SCD throughout Ramadan. Although, I quickly found out I wasn't alone and was encouraged to post about a topic that there was little information about. All I could go about was other people's experiences and try to build a solid Ramadan routine according to that!

    As far as the food goes, I never thought of Egyptian food as being SCD compliant (samna balady and all!) although it seems to have worked out pretty well! Except I was *dying* for any way to try to make ma7shy that would be SCD compliant (maybe ground beef with all the herbs and spices?) except it NEEDS rice in it! I'll think of something ISA and hopefully i'll post about it!

    Check out my blog next week, i'll be sure to post some food this time that is both SCD and Egyptian! :) We have to try to represent. Good luck to both you and your husband, believe me it's better when your partner is on board, it makes things so much easier!

  5. This isn't SCD but a friend of mine makes mahshi with quinoa. Haven't tried it myself but she loves it...mmmm mahshi.
