Saturday 11 August 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 22, Suhur Day 23

One day away from Cheat Day!! So let's see how this goes on the scale...

Am I reading the scale right? I must have stepped on the scale like 4 times and got the same number to believe it! 222.0lbs is the reading, thats a 2.4lb loss from the previous day, putting me finally below the cheat day weight from last week! If I'm at anything lower than this tomorrow before cheat day, i'll consider the two cheat days as being "successful" ... just having the water weight come off slower.

Just incase you don't remember, before the first cheat day in Ramadan, I lost 5lbs (phenomenon if you ask me!). The following week before cheat day (5 days in) I had lost 2.4lbs, the week after that totalled a 1.8lb loss... If the loss this week is anywhere in that neighbourhood, i'll consider the experiment a success!!

Now on to the food!


I was craving this today! The chicken bake in the oven with legs, onions, tomatoes... there's potatoes there but those are for my son :)

Served it with my favourite side salad (only put lemon on it again!) and on top of some cauliflower rice from yesterday. Again, very satisfying meal! Had a lemon pickle as well since those are awesome by the way! Started things off with water and my PAG supplement.


I ran out of pastrami, but I ended up getting the egg whites! So 4 egg whites + 1 egg, and mushrooms, onions, garlic, and harissa fried in butter (still no macadamia nut oil!)

Served with a side of cucumbers. It was really good! Except I added too much harissa, so i'm sure i'll be paying for it tomorrow (not on the scale... if you catch my drift lol). Had my PAG supplement, my multivitamin, and lots of water.

This would be my protein shake, and had some water and my AGG supplement right before bed. Life's pretty good right now!! SO let's hope for the best tomorrow!