Saturday 4 August 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 14, Suhur Day 15

What happened today on the scale you ask? Let's take a look!

Booyah!! 223.8lbs!!!! That's a 1.6lb loss from the last weigh in, and at the same, i'm approaching 30lbs since I first started the diet!!! Kind of a great moment for me. 


Let's keep it short today! My wife was craving her potato bake in the oven, so we just did it the same way but without the potatoes.

That would be chicken legs in tomatoes and onions, made an AMAZING sauce. Served up some of this on my cauliflower rice.

You can't really tell how delicious it is from the picture, but trust me... it was fabulous. I ended up having 2 whole legs (2 drums, 2 thighs).

I originally served up some of my chili, but I ended up only eating 2-3 spoons of that because of how good the chicken was. Also, served on the side...

My favourite crack leaf... arugula! I swear when it's fresh and cold, it's pretty awesome. Obviously started off things with my PAG and my water, and had this fantastic iftar. 


I tried kettlebell today for the first time, and man am I sore. I did the 75 reps (2 sets of 30 with a 30sec break, then 15 for the last set). I did the 40lb kettlebell. It feels real good!

Had the exact same thing as yesterday, if you can't remember, here it is again:

Scrambled egg whites + 1 egg, pastrami and onions, and cucumbers. Had my PAG supplements and water before, water after, then my protein shake, AGG supplement, and off to bed!


On the 4hourpeople forum, a fellow sister posted a question about cheat day here and it got me thinking. She suggests having 2 cheat days in a row since we're basically robbed of our entire cheat day by having a 16hour fast, and then a 8 hour window to eat (where you basically have a meal). 

SO, I will test out this hypothesis since tomorrow is cheat day, and cheat as well on Sunday, and if the results are favourable, then i'll do that until Ramadan ends (with the exception of last weekend since I'm planning to take 3 days off including Eid).

Stay tuned tomorrow and after for yummy treats and measurements! See you then!

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