Thursday 2 August 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 12, Suhur Day 13

Pretty short on time today, so let's get straight to the details!

Not a big loss, but still a loss! Came in at 224.8lbs today, which is a 0.8lb loss, however I think this will be short lived given the food I ate throughout the course of the Iftar-Suhur window. Let's take a look!


Remember the chilli from yesterday? It tastes really good today, and served myself up a little of that (no "cheese" this time), and made some grilled chicken, and some salad.

Of course started it all off with my PAG supplement and lots of water. Salad had tomatoes, cucumbers, and green onions topped with a lemon/olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing.


Yes, I indulged a little today... as much as I can. I was craving pancakes in the worst way. So I googled online and came across a coconut flour pancake made exclusively with eggs, coconut milk, coconut oil, and coconut flour. Added some stevia to the batter, and fried it up in some more coconut oil.

That was the end result. Didn't look too bad, and didn't taste bad either. Also made a chocolate almond sauce, which consisted of almond butter, coconut oil, coco, and a little stevia.

Not quite Canadian maple syrup and butter, but it did well to satisfy the craving a little! Started it all off with my PAG supplement and some water.


Now, while I was preparing my omelet, I snacked on a piece of the chicken I had grilled from earlier (for some reason I was really hungry today!) Had my PAG supplement and water, and this bad boy:

Of course after all was done, had 2 more glasses of water, and then my protein shake. However I forgot to take my AGG supplement before bed (of all the days to forget).

Come back tomorrow and see how much the scale will tip!

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