Wednesday 8 August 2012

Ramadan, Iftar Day 19, Suhur Day 20

I can't believe the month of Ramadan is already at day 20! The holiest days of the month are upon us, and with extra prayer and extra supplication, comes extra effort with SCD... sort of. Let's recap the day that was, and see how i'm doing.

Warning... things are going to get crazy and may almost be crossing the line for those of you who are strict to the SCD... Just keep in mind i'm fasting for 16 hours, and really hungry come iftar time! Without further adieu, the scale:

Son of Burrell! While it's not too surprising, a 0.8lb gain is not all too surprising, but a little disheartening considering the "success" of the two cheat days. It's probably some water retention, or the number of the previous day was off by a bit... who knows. All I know is that i'm 225.0lbs today. Although today's meals might not help my progress, as I eluded to earlier. Let's take a look!


We had some leftovers from yesterday, and decided to add a salad, and one of my favourite dishes... braised short ribs! Although, we usually braise them without wine, and usually with potatoes, and carrots added to the other veggies. While we didn't have any potatoes on hand, I did put some carrots in there... enough to haunt me during eating! Broke my fast obviously with water and my PAG supplement.

I had about 4 pieces of carrots like you see there, they were just there and so good, especially after they've been in the oven with the ribs, marinating in all that fat... I had another half piece of rib too, along side the cauliflower stew from yesterday. Although I didn't eat much from the stew.

This would be the left over stew. Again, didn't have much of this. Also, had a side salad with cucumbers, green onions, parsley, and tomatoes.

Dressed with regular vinegar, olive oil, and some salt and pepper. Not pictured also is some lemon pickles that I had with the meal, those themselves were awesome. However, after this meal, me and my wife were still really hungry. While she didn't know what to eat, I was craving something sweet.

Enter the ice cream maker...

Considering last week when I had coconut milk and coconut flour pancakes, I ended up gaining the next day. However I thought i'd give coconut milk another chance, and without the flour. I was craving something cold and creamy, so I decided to make some Coconut Milk Ice Cream... Vanilla flavour!

There it is churning away in the ice cream maker. Looking so cool and so creamy! I could have it just like that, but I had to restrain myself. The inspiration for this came last week when I tried a Root Beer Zevia, which tasted exactly like A&W root beer! So I thought "can I make an SCD compliant float?" Well, if this doesn't affect me, then maybe I can!

30 minutes later out came some delicious, fluffy, cold coconut milk ice cream, and it tasted really good. I guess anything kinda sweet is awesome on this diet, which completely defeats the purpose. But again, this is sugar free (sweetened with Stevia), lactose free (coconut milk) and gluten free. So while it did feel real good, and I know it's not that bad... I feel guilty! We'll see what happens the next day.

Again, just half a cup of ice cream wasn't enough (no I didn't finish the tub, although I could have, but I have more restraint than that!) I was still very hungry, and my wife didn't want to try the ice cream. It was still early before suhur so I thought might as well prepare another meal then.


Since this meal is between Iftar and Suhur, i'm going to call it "Lunch" lol. For some reason I just had the worst craving for fool (which is fava beans, Egyptian style). I feel like a pregnant woman with all the cravings lately.

Fava beans were cooked with some olive oil, and cut up some hot peppers, tomatoes, and green onions. Also added to it is some tahini, and more olive oil. Hard boiled a couple eggs so I can mash em into the fool and eat it that way. With some cucumbers, and the lemon pickles I mentioned earlier. Again, very satisfying meal! All that was missing is the fresh pita on the side (yeah I know I can't have it... I warned you!)

I did have a couple of cups of water along with my PAG supplement during this meal as well. Again, a few hours pass and i'm hungry, but not as much.


This would mark the first time this Ramadan I have 3 full meals. Again, i'll see how that affects me on the scale tomorrow. For Suhur today I prepare my typical meal:

Scrambles egg whites + 1 egg with onions, garlic, pastrami. Served with a side of cukes, and lots of water! Took my PAG supplement and multivitamin before the meal, and after since I was short on time today (remember I don't sleep any more thanks to my faulty alarm!)  I had my protein shake and AGG supplement right after.

Please god don't make me gain any more weight! Although I feel like it's inevitable considering the occurrences of one wild and crazy day. Let's hope for the best and see what the damage is tomorrow!  

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